It really is true, that old saying. Yesterday I learned that my mom was a Girl Scout leader for my sisters when they were kids. My sisters are 9 and 7 years older than me, and by the time I was old enough to be in Girl Scouts, Mom was working full time. So unfortunately, she wasn't my scout leader. I can't say I'm not a little jealous but I also know that some Moms just don't have the time to give to a troop. It happens.
Today I made a new friend on Face Book. She's a first-time Daisy leader, like myself. But here's the funny part -- she is from Danville, Kentucky! Why is that worth all the excitement? My husband and I moved from Nebraska to Danville, Kentucky less than a year after we got married. We lived there for 4 years before moving to South Dakota 4 years ago. If we had stayed there, Sis might have been in Jill's Daisy Troop and I might have been her co-leader.
It goes to show what a small world we really live in! I am hoping my troop can be pen-pals with Jill's troop. What a fun way to see another part of the country! The Law says, "be a sister to every Girl Scout," and that goes for Girl Scouts all over the country and world, not just in our town.