The only thing we changed on the pom-pom pumpkins was that we used green and brown pipe cleaners to tie off the bundle, using the ends to create a stem and curl of vine. I thought the difference in color from the orange yarn would make it easier to keep the girls from accidentally cutting the wrong piece of yarn.
I'd also like to offer a free digital scrapbooking set to anyone who would like it. I tried to encompass all the levels of Girl Scouts with this set: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, Ambassador and Leader. There are bridging embellishments, word art, and Girl Scout awards among other things. The last items to be finished was the "recycled" alpha. I tried to make something that looks like a craft project I might actually make with my girls. I think this alpha really looks like something a Daisy troop could make. Let me know what you think. If you make any layouts, send me a copy and I'll post it if you want.

Please go to my other blog to find the download link.
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